He‘s done for. But the way you look at me哎who could say no to Jack "虽然我barely know him虽然他家听起来messedup But I have a feeling." 哎真好 deja本来不讨喜的在最后一个big speech里most ppl dont win but randall u won twice. 哎最后一首hold ur head up high催泪弹了 希望大家都好好的
孤高有社会责任感理想主义到浪漫的程度黑塞在很认真地思考并且毫不避讳地告诉大家这就是大家也为什么这么喜欢黑塞的原因We should not seek but find, not judge but observe and comprehend, absorb and elaborate what we have taken in. Life acquires meaning only through love.